Calling all swimmers!
All members should know that we have two Children’s Officers.
Betty Kelly 087 2729081
Denise Coleman
Their job is to make sure that you enjoy your swimming and that nothing interferes with this. They are there for you, to listen to any suggestions you may have to make your swimming more enjoyable and to help you with any problem big or small that you may feel you need to discuss. It need not necessarily be a problem concerning your swimming. Particularly if it is a problem that you are uncomfortable with or that you think is wrong, contact your Children’s Officer as soon as possible and they will help you.
Perhaps the club Secretary or one of the officers is someone you can approach and talk to about your concerns. If you are a young swimmer, maybe you could ask one of your parents or an older swimmer, to talk to a club Officer with or without you being present.
Coach Concerns might relate to something that affects you in training. It is likely that just asking your coach, if you can talk to them during a session, might sort out the problem.
For Parents
The same officials are available for you to talk to and procedures are required in your club so that if you have a concern or complaint, you can have it promptly and satisfactorily dealt with.