Club News

Christmas Fundraiser Draw

The club are grateful to all who supported the Christmas Draw.

We would also like to thank all those who donated prizes.

Anita’s Hair Salon,

Bailieborough Leisure Centre,

Bailie Stores,


Black’s Butchers,


Cara Pharmacy,

Clarke’s Hardware,

Colm Anthony,


Duff’s Hardware,

Edel’s Hair Salon,

Elaine Reilly “Saol Beo”,

Feel Good Fashion,

Fresh Today,

Frazer’s Hardware,

House of Flowers,

Jamesons’ Pharmacy,

Kelly Family,

McGuirk Family,

McQuade’s Piggery,

O’Reilly Footwear,

Perfect Prints,

Rosa Carolan Hair Salon,

The Bailie Hotel,

The Full Irish,

The Market Stall,

Tina’s Beauty,

Waller’s Hardware